Music in the Commons: Oakland Mills High School
Savage Mill 8600 Foundry St, Savage, MDThe Oakland Mills High School Tri-M Music Honor Society consists of student musicians at the school who seek to support and advocate for music performance within their school and greater community. Students volunteer to help at all concerts and performances throughout the year, providing assistance wherever needed for all high school, middle school or elementary concerts that happen in a given year. They also have academic standards to meet each quarter. The students look forward to sharing their musical passions with the greater community at Savage Mill! The Oakland Mills High School Modern Band Ensemble consists of various advanced musicians within the school, selected through audition only. We study music through the lens of various genres of modern music: rock, pop, funk, bossa nova, hip hop, R&B, soul, and whatever interests us! We have daily rehearsals during the school day and several concerts within and around the school each year. We are looking forward to sharing vibes with the community of Savage Mill! Musical selections will be wide-ranging, and include options such as AWB, Frankie Beverly, Tom Misch, SunKissed Lola, The Isley Brothers, Mint Condition, Amy Winehouse, Silk Sonic, Frank Sinatra, Prince, Bill Withers, The Temptations, and others! Savage Mill’s New […]