“Raydiating” Beauty

Tucked away on the mezzanine overlooking the busy retail area of the New Weave building is LaRaydiance Wellness Spa Boutique, a calm, beautiful oasis. Stepping through the doors into the tranquil reception area, visitors find themselves in a world of skin care and healing.

We spoke with Owner and Clinical Practitioner LaRay Abraham Johnson to learn more about her and her business.

What does your business offer?

LaRaydiance Wellness Spa Boutique is designed as an intimate, lovely, safe space. Our focus is on healing the skin (both face and body) by addressing root causes of a condition, which can be diet, hormones, lifestyle or stress. Our Clinical Practitioner, LaRay Abraham Johnson, is a 12-year veteran of the United States Air Force with over 30 years’ experience and a degree in Biomedical Science.

Helping everyone heal and “Raydiate” beauty from the inside/out is our passion! We provide customized DMK® (Danné Montague-King) treatments, integrative nutrition health coaching, Hydrafacial® and Lira® treatments, manual lymphatic drainage, relaxation facials, and both relaxation and therapeutic massages. We also partner with individuals and businesses on events such as weekly Afrobeats/Zumba classes here at Savage Mill, educational skincare classes, and personalized private celebrations.

Your passion is to heal people. Can you explain a little more about that?

Some years ago, I was diagnosed with a rare form of skin cancer that unfortunately two dermatologists missed.  Being a clinician myself, I knew something was wrong, but I was dismissed because I wasn’t a dermatologist.  After two years of searching, I finally found a dermatologist who listened to me and properly diagnosed me. That changed the whole trajectory of my life.  I modified my entire lifestyle, which I truly believe is one of the reasons my body healed.  And I promised myself that I would always listen to my patients because I don’t want anyone to experience what I experienced.

What licenses and certifications do you hold?

I am a Licensed Esthetician, Certified Integrative Nutritional Health Coach, a Massage Therapist, a Pilates Instructor, and a Registered Dental Hygienist. These certifications have allowed me to assist patients in healing both inside and out, and they help me to have a diverse way to treat patients.

You served in the military in several different roles. How did that help you determine what you were meant to do next?

I served in the Air Force and Air National Guard.  I had three Air Force Specialty Careers (AFSC) –  Medical Administration, Finance and Personnel – which gave me skills that prepared me for the next chapter of my life.

Your mother and best friend Erica (Sissy) are very involved in LaRaydiance. What roles do they play?

My mom Dorothy supports me administratively (Office Manager) and Erica supports me creatively (Creative Director). My mom supports me by “volunteering” (she’s retired :-)) her time at the spa checking patients in and out and making sure that they have an overall wonderful experience before and after treatments.  Erica brings my visions to life.  For example, she did the interior design and decorating for the spa.

Why is Savage Mill a good fit for LaRaydiance?

I’ve always loved boutique shopping because you can find things that you would not find at larger stores and the quality is better. The Mill’s vibe is awesome.  It’s like we are family!  When I share with colleagues everything that is offered at the Mill to support the businesses here, they are so impressed.  For example, the quarterly Girls Night Out, a themed Mill-wide evening of shopping, has benefited my business tremendously!  Each time we participate, we get new clients who have become loyal patients receiving monthly or biweekly treatments.  Participating in these events has helped LaRaydiance grow organically.

I also appreciate the work that has been going on to transform and beautify the Mill but still keep the authentic “feel”.

You also sponsored the 2nd Juneteenth Celebration here in Savage. How does that align with your mission and work?

As a minority-owned business, I believe it is super important to educate everyone about history and to show it is possible to be successful as a minority business.  I am proud to be the legacy of Mamie Copeland (my great grandmother). She was born in 1888, ran a small grocery store, and lived to be 102 years old.

Outside of your career, you’re very involved with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. Do you come from a musically-inclined family?

Yes, I have a very musical family. My dad was a percussionist and played in a Baltimore band back in the 70’s. My son is a percussionist (he attended Salisbury Orchestra Camp and was in the Symphonic Band at Mount Saint Joe). I played the clarinet and attended the Baltimore School for the Arts TWIGS program when I was in middle school. My first cousin attended the Baltimore School for the Arts and Peabody. All this to say, we love the arts! I worked part time as the Volunteer Coordinator at the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra for five years until LaRaydiance’s growth demanded more time. I continue to volunteer when I get the opportunity, as it is a wonderful organization.

What else would you like us to know about you or your business?

We love providing a safe, loving space for our “Beauties” and are looking forward to many more prosperous years at the Mill!


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